SYNERGY - the whole is greater than the sum of its parts
Film and Television is ALL about collaboration and one of Nicholson's favorite aspects of the medium. He loves the SYNERGY of bringing talented artists together to create and share their gifts.
Synergy was born out of the frustration of working within a studio system that dictates when and where you get to work. Tired of waiting for permission to work, we decided to take a more proactive approach to filmmaking and fully embrace the emerging independent film movement in the Midwest.
Most of the smaller to mid-sized budget features are going to come from the independent film community while the studios will continue to make Spiderman 17. Nicholson firmly believes it's time to get involved and pave your own way. T.E.A.M - Together Everyone Achieves More :)

On location in southern Utah with the AMAZING Marshall Bell on the set of THE DRIFTER.

The incredile crew from THE DRIFTER including super producer Andy Nicholson, Ashley Clark and the always hunky, Shawn Patrick Nash.

Jeff with his trophy wife and children, whom he built all by himself in the basement.
Nicholson is thankful and excited to be working with such awesome producer partners, especially his dear friend and mentor, Brian Avery.

Brian Avery is a native of Los Angeles, California and attended Loyola High School where he was awarded the Bing Crosby Drama Medal at Graduation and then attended Loyola University on scholarship. He received a B.A. from the Liberal Arts College of Loyola University majoring in English with minors in Philosophy and Languages. Brian’s stellar artistic career began in New York City when he co-starred on Broadway in the dramatic musical of the great John Ford Film, “HOW GREEN WAS MY VALLEY”. A talent scout for Universal Studios saw him onstage and convinced the studio to offer him a movie contract. He began work at Universal Studios with Harrison Ford and Katherine Ross, also under contract. Harrison and Brian did “JOURNEY TO SHILOH” together and Katherine and Brian were chosen by director, Mike Nichols, to be the wedding couple in his classic film “THE GRADUATE”. Brian is also featured as Diane Keaton’s boyfriend in Woody Allen’s “SLEEPER”, as well as roles in numerous other motion pictures, television shows and theatrical plays.
Upon the release of “THE GRADUATE”, Gregory Peck offered to recommend Brian to the Board of Governors of The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for membership in the Actors Branch which then invited him to join. Brian has been a very active participant in The Academy’s activities and has been invited to serve on multiple committees. Brian was initially invited to join The Academy’s Foreign Language Film Committee (FLFC) and thereafter invited to serve on the Executive Committee with some of the most prestigious people in the entertainment business like Robert Wise, Fay Kanin and Mark Johnson. As a member of the Executive Committee of the FLFC he was asked to be the Official Academy Host to incoming directors for The Academy Awards. Among the directors he has hosted are: Ang Lee, Marlene Gorris, Giuseppe Tornatore, Sergei Bodrov, Paula van der Oest, and Walter Salles among others. He served for some years on The Documentary Committee. He now serves on the Executive Committee for The Student Academy Awards which fosters the great filmmakers of the future and the Membership Screening Committee which selects the films Academy members will see from all the films the studios and distributors submit for Academy Award consideration. He also serves as an Academy judge for AMPAS’s Nicholl Fellowships in Screenwriting Competition which fosters the screenwriters of tomorrow and which has helped to develop the careers of many of the top screenwriters creating films today. Serving on these committees has put Brian in direct contact with some of the world’s greatest international directors, the filmmakers of the future and extraordinary screenwriters.
The high level of contacts provided by The Academy prompted Brian to transition into producing. He brought “CRASH” to the Yari Film Group where he is based and the film won the Academy Award for Best Picture. Subsequently, he is credited on “SHORTCUT TO HAPPINESS” starring Sir Anthony Hopkins, “WHERE THE RED FERN GROWS” starring Dave Matthews and “FLASHBACKS OF A FOOL” starring Daniel Craig as an Executive Producer. He is currently producing the screenplay, “LINDA AND HENRY”, which was awarded a Nicholl Fellowship and to which he has attached the director, Paula van der Oest, who wrote and directed, “ZUS & ZO”, the entry from The Netherlands for Best Foreign Language Film in 2003. He is also producing “A MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR” based on The Beatles which the newly reinvigorated, Allied Artists International.
Brian is a member of the Screen Actors Guild (SAG), the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA), the Actors Equity Association (AEA) and AMPAS. He is married to Nicole Avery, a psycho- therapist. They have two children, Eric, the co-founder and world-renowned original bassist of JANE’S ADDICTION, ALANIS MORISSETTE and currently NINE INCH NAILS, and Rebecca, a gifted actress and mother of their first grand-child, Henry.